I Know sometimes if feels like life is not giving you any other options at the time, but you need to push through, because when something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favour. It took a miracle for you to be born don’t waste that miracle by allowing life to suck the life out of you. Follow your heart, serve and impact and do something that truly makes you at peace and happy.

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In a relationship between you and your partner the goal should always be to create more happy and positive experiences and memories than negative ones.

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bobby basran
Mar 30, 2022

Defining Life

We got stuck in other people’s conditions. We get scared. We chose comfort overgrowth. We listen to our ego. We allow our environment to dictate us. We allow time to simply pass us by before we get a chance to write our own story of life. 

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bobby basran
Mar 16, 2022

You Are What's Inside Of You

“Let’s assume that this orange isn’t an orange, but it’s you and someone squeezes you, puts pressure on you, says something you don’t like, offends you and out of you comes anger, hatred, bitterness, fear. Why?

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bobby basran
Mar 02, 2022

Breath Meditation

Ajahn explained that our breath is always with us. Although it is portable and free, it is also overlooked. Many of us look toward people and pills to better ourselves when we have this gift within us that can eliminate many of the problems related to anxiety, stress, depression, etc.

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The first one being you go on a dinner date and you are not present. Instead your mind is thinking about the fight that took place between you two 3 hours ago and then jumping to the future, dreading over the fact that you still have to pay the bills.

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