Hey everybody, welcome to my about me page! My name is Bobby Basran and I am the author of the Living with yourself and the host on the Four Pillars Podcast. I was born and raised in Kamloops, British Columbia, I have two older brothers and a mom and dad who loved us unconditionally. Growing up my parents provided us an amazing life through their perseverance and working multiple jobs. However, in our early childhood money was tight, which in hindsight was the best thing ever as it taught us the true value and importance of family. My mom always reminded us that “money and friends come and go, but real family always stick together.” It is a lesson that still sticks with us today. My family members are my best friends, we do everything together and for each other. My family is the thing I am most grateful for in this world. So growing up poor was a great lesson, because it allowed us to have people who actually care about you, want you to succeed, trust and love you unconditionally.




 Growing up as an East Indian we were taught that being successful is not how you perceive yourself but how other people perceive you. We were also taught that in order to be successful you needed to get a stable job, be married and look good in the “people’s” eyes. So, after I graduated High School I went to Thompson Rivers University to become a school teacher. I completed all the required courses and volunteer work. The last thing I had to do was write a letter about why I wanted to be a teacher. (Which was the easiest part of the whole application) The problem was I had no idea why I wanted to be a teacher, the only reason I was becoming one was to make my parents proud. (What many East Indian kids do) Instead of writing out why I wanted to be a teacher, I wrote about my dreams, the dreams that were buried deep inside of me because my environment and society would call me crazy if I ever pursued them. This was not the smartest thing to do because the people reading the letter didn’t care about my dreams so they failed me on my letter of intent which basically got me rejected from the education program in itself that year. Looking back on the entire situation with my new found perspective I understand that I was not moving in the right direction so God made me go the other way. (A blessing never looks like a blessing) When I got my rejection letter, the first thing I did was cry. I cried because I felt so lost. My plan was to become a teacher and when that plan shattered right in front of my eyes I felt so scared because I did not know what I wanted to do with my life going forward.

After a few weeks went by I started to sit in solitude and ask myself what I truly wanted out of this one life. What do I love doing? Every morning that I get up, what do I want to be doing? What can’t I imagine my life without? When I asked myself these questions I removed all the the barriers from my mind. I removed all the limitations that were once placed on me by my environment and society. I removed the thoughts of how much money can this make and finally I was left with my answers. I love reading, I love writing, I love bettering myself through my routines and sharing that information with my family and friends. I couldn’t imagine living without improving who I was daily, I couldn’t live without my books, journals and routine.

Flash forward a few years later and now I am the author of two books, with one being already published. I have my own podcast channel and a blog where I can share my knowledge through my experiences that will hopefully impact the world in a positive way. Through this journey of finding my purpose I also found my soulmate, Anita. We now have been dating for nearly 5 years and I could not ask for a more beautiful, understanding and caring person to be by my side. I went to a monastery to better my mental health by learning to be present in all my moments and learning to love all beings unconditionally so that I could always feel peace, happiness and joy in my mind. Most importantly I wake up every single day and live out my purpose, which is the second best feeling in the world. The first being, having an amazing group of family and friends that support and love me through my whole process of living out my dreams.




Dale Carnegie once said “Speak of what you know”. Ever since I read that one line I promised myself that I will always speak about things that I know. Everything I talk about is through my experiences and what I have learned through those experiences. I speak about the four pillars because growing up East Indian I hardly ever saw people do their passion as a living. I rarely saw people take care of their health, value their relationship with their partner or be truly happy. During my childhood I saw so many people cheat, have addictions, live daily with stress and worry, not live with their purpose and value a paper object over their self worth and health. Through this all I saw so many people not value this one life which led them to live with unhappiness. My goal of saying this is not to diminish or look down on my culture or anyone, because the generation before me did their absolute best with the resources, opportunities and knowledge they had. However, now it is our job to be better than the generation that came before us. 

I never saw people be healthy by taking care of their body, mind and soul. So that made me value my health even more. I saw so many people only care about money and yet they were still unhappy so that made me value doing something I love for a living. I saw so many people not value their relationship by not putting the required attention and effort into it. I saw so many people cheat in their relationships and the people that did this were miserable so that made me value my relationship more, be loyal and show constant affection and effort in my relationship. I saw so many people only have happiness through their external objects, which made me learn how to require inner happiness based on myself. After going through life at a young age with awareness I am now ready to share what I learned with the world. My mission in life is to help people become the absolute best version of themselves possible through the Four Pilars. In order to live a truly meaningful and happy life we need to encompass all four pillars. We need to be healthy by understanding that health is our body, mind and soul. We need to obtain true wealth, which to me is more than just money because anyone can make money but it takes a truly special person to live out their god given purpose. We need to love ourselves and project that love in all of our relationships. We need to cultivate inner happiness by understanding that happiness begins in our mind and not in external factors. I want people to get as much out of life as they possibly can. In order to live the best possible life you need to be aware of what you want and have courage to move past your environment, your mind and your conditions to obtain the life you want to live. We only have one life, one non refundable limited life. Once your clock hits zero you will be gone and there will never be another you again. Don’t let those words scare you, let them motivate you, use this one life we all have to become the best possible version of yourself. Along the way allow me to share my experiences and knowledge to help you get there.