bobby basran
Aug 03, 2022

Sharing The Wealth

Why would you want to be a millionaire amongst your family members who are barely scraping by? Dream Big, pray bigger, be bold and think beyond yourself. Stay close to the people who were there when others could have been. Your job is not for you to “make it,” it's to have everyone around you at your level as well.

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It takes the same amount of energy to be pessimistic than it does to be optimistic. The only difference is one makes you feel gloomy, negative and cynical while the other one makes you feel happy, confident and hopeful.

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bobby basran
Jul 06, 2022

Allow People to Live Their Own Life

We want people to have the same values as us, we want people to act the same way we act, we want people to see life the same way we see life and when people don’t do this we force “our way” of life onto them.

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The reason why I write this blog is so you the reader can take what Michael Jordan did in this picture and apply to your everyday life. The concept is - have a clear cut vision and plan in the midst of your mind of what you want to accomplish and where you want to go.

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Always remember the world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a bunch of undeserving people. To get what you want you must deserve what you want.

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bobby basran
May 11, 2022

I’m Married To My Dreams

I write, stay married to your dreams because to me that's the best analogy. When you're married to the person who you are deeply in love with, you are in a committed bond, you are loyal, you try your best at all times and you never give up. When you put it into your mind that you are married to your dreams, those same factors will help you turn your dreams into a reality.

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