bobby basran
Nov 10, 2021

The Art Of Creativity

I reminded myself to have faith over the things I could not control. And this wasn’t blind faith where I would sit on my hands, do no work, and pray for an idea to come. This was the type of faith where I know the work that I do, I know what I am providing to the universe, I know I am here as a vessel to help people and through that I gained a sense optimism and faith over my creative mind, which led me to never worry about having another creative idea again.

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bobby basran
Oct 27, 2021

Love Over Hate

I love music. My favorite aspect is the lyrics; I love listening to and dissecting them. I find Big Sean’s music particularly fascinating, and I truly think he is a lyrical genius. Many of his lyrics resonate with what I value in life, especially in his song ‘No hearts, No love’, when he raps:

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bobby basran
Oct 13, 2021

Appreciating Your Moments

Nothing lasts forever. I know that’s hard to read, but it is true. Time is always in a constant motion going forward. People get busy, the cycle of life takes it toll, jobs change, people move, best friends become acquaintances and so on. That’s why no matter what moment is in front of you, learn to cherish it, because you can’t relive a moment.

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bobby basran
Sep 29, 2021

Not Giving Up Who You Are

You cannot expect your relationship to fulfill the entirety of your happiness. Your relationship is meant to make you happy, yes, but it shouldn’t be the sole source of your joy. Treating it as such will only put pressure on the relationship, and ultimately cause it to bend and break. To prevent this, and ensure a strong relationship that lasts, you must find happiness in other aspects of your life, independent of your partner. You cannot give up who you are and lose your identity in your relationship; you must remember that you are your own, unique, independent person.

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bobby basran
Sep 15, 2021

Steve Jobs' Perspective On Death

One of my favourite genre of books to read is biographies. I love learning about people’s stories; their upbringing, their conditions, their successes and most importantly their failures. Digging deep into people’s stories, helps me gain a deeper perspective of the one sided version of success that we are so used to seeing.

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