Creating Happier Moments In Your Relationship

bobby basran
13 Apr , 2022

In a relationship between you and your partner the goal should always be to create more happy and positive experiences and memories than negative ones.

In my viewpoint you’re meant to be happy on your own and so is your partner. Then the two of you come together and share that happiness within a romantic relationship. If that relationship is not providing you with happiness on top of the happiness that you already have, you eventually have to ask yourself is there any point of being in this relationship?

I understand throughout a relationship especially if you have been dating for years there will be times of sadness, anger, grief and growing pains - thats a given. My fiancé’s mother passed away close to two years ago and during the first year we had a rough patch filled with emotional ups and downs. I am not saying a relationship should be filled with sunshine and roses 24/7, 100% of the time, because that’s simply not sustainable. My point is this - overall as a whole your relationship should provide you with happiness, joy and love more than it should provide you with stress, worry and negative moments.

One of the ways that can help people accomplish this goal is simply living with awareness over their relationship. Consciously remind yourself everyday that the objective of my relationship is to create more happy and positive memories than negative ones. I find that when you remind yourself of this phrase you’re more motivated to not have those small arguments, to not engage in a silly fight or say something that you know will upset or provoke your partner. Sometimes it is the simple things in life such as a reminder that can impact us the most. Try this in your relationship!

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