bobby basran
Jun 02, 2023


The reason why I think Batman made the jump without the rope is that he knew he had nothing to fall back on. He knew the rope wasn't going to save him this time, so he was either going to succeed or die, and that gave him the extra confidence and courage to persevere. Sometimes, we have to have that same mindset in life. We can't have a backup plan; we can't have a safety blanket. We have to push ourselves and have success as our only option, because when our backs are against the wall, there’s nowhere to go but forward.

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bobby basran
Dec 08, 2022

Quality Over Quantity With Books

I first started consistently reading at the age of 19. The first book that I read was “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. As soon as I finished it I fell in love with books and the concept of reading. Now, one of my absolute favourite things to do in the world is to read. I love learning new information. Things that I resonate with and can apply in my life to reach my ultimate ever lasting goal of becoming the best possible version of myself.

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Don’t think that when you reach your purpose or have achieved financial freedom is when you can start to enjoy your moments. Just because you’re rich and successful doesn’t mean you are immune to life and its troubles. Problems are always going to happen— they are a part of life. Stop waiting for life to be perfect to enjoy your moments, because life is never going to be perfect, but that does not mean you cannot enjoy it. 

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In life you have to be comfortable doing uncomfortable things. You have to challenge yourself, you have to build the habit of doing what’s difficult, because nothing worth having comes from doing what’s easy.

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bobby basran
Sep 21, 2022


Be a kind, pure hearted, calm and happy person, because one day someone will give a eulogy about you and they will draw from who you were as a person and how you treated people. Such simple yet life changing wisdom is learned when you face life’s biggest fear - death.

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bobby basran
Sep 07, 2022


There’s plenty of things that we should express gratitude towards, but we simply don’t. Either because we’re not conscious enough to take the time and effort to express gratitude towards them or we overlook them since we’re accustomed to them

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