Defining Life

bobby basran
30 Mar , 2022

Life is about living the life you envisioned for yourself with no limitations. Life is about traveling the ends of this beautiful earth so you can see all that is out there. Life is about making a difference in the world. Life is about experiencing loving memories with the people you love dearly. Life is about living a truly happy and healthy life. Life is about becoming the best version of yourself by living up to your potential and shattering the expectations that were placed on you. Life is meant for you to create blessings for the people you love in ways that they never thought were possible.

Malala Yousafzai once said, “we have to die one day, so why not do good and do as much as we can to help others. I took that as life is about being a helping hand, about giving more than we take. life is about looking and feeling your best. Life is about being present in all the precious moments that take place right in front of your eyes. Life is about loving yourself fully then spreading that love to your soul mate. Life is about understanding that true happiness begins in our minds and not in our external possessions. Life is about treating people with kindness and respect. Life is about turning your wildest dreams despite all odds into reality.

This and so much more is what life truly is, but people do not see life in this lens, because people have no sense of awareness over their life. They never sit with in solitude and ask how am I meant to live this one life? 

It’s so easy to get caught up in everyday life and not check in with yourself. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, months turn into years and years turn into unconsciously living. We lose track of it through our day to day activities. We get caught up in living for the moment and don’t take time in our habitual life to ask ourselves is what I am doing in life right now, really what I want to be doing? We got stuck in other people’s conditions. We get scared. We chose comfort overgrowth. We listen to our ego. We allow our environment to dictate us. We allow time to simply pass us by before we get a chance to write our own story of life. 

Don’t let live pass you by. Ask yourself what do I want out of this one life? Then have the courage to chase those answers, because you only have one shot at life - make the most of it.

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