bobby basran
Feb 02, 2022

Going Beyond Your Environment

When we’re younger we don’t necessarily have a choice of who our parents are, where we live, what traditions and habits we learn, who we surround ourselves with and what our household environment is like. That’s why some people live as their environment lives- whether it’s good or bad.

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bobby basran
Jan 19, 2022

Believe In Yourself

The number one trait you need when you are trying to accomplish anything in life is belief. You need to believe in yourself wholeheartedly because let’s be honest here, when you are going after something that is worth having, it is never going to be easy. If it were easy everybody would have great physical and mental health. Everybody would have an amazing relationship with themselves and their partner. Everybody would accomplish their dreams. Everybody would be truly happy. Everybody would be successful, but as we all know that is not the case.

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bobby basran
Jan 05, 2022

Live Life With No Regrets

Don’t look back on life and think I wish I had done more. I wish I took care of my body. I wish I created better relationships with the people that I loved. I wish I followed my heart and not the masses. I wish I took advantages of the opportunities I had. I wish I travelled more. I wish I was more.  

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bobby basran
Dec 22, 2021

Drink Water

60% of our bodies are made out of water. Just by reading that stat it is safe to assume that drinking water is extremely important for any human being. Throughout the day the average person loses water through sweat and exercise, to replenish our bodies back with the adequate amount of water we need to be consuming adequate levels of water. “Water consumption can vary based on age, weight, sex, activity level, and the climate you live in. 

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bobby basran
Dec 08, 2021

Speak To Serve A Purpose

That’s when I came up with the phrase: speak to serve a purpose. What this term means to me is that you speak about things that you value and know. You speak with kindness and love in your mind. You use your words to uplift others and yourself, to create happiness and positivity. You don’t assume or judge or speak with anger and ego.

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Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph are the founders of the juggernaut streaming video-on-demand service Netflix. Today Netflix is known as one of the most historic start- ups; however, just like all successful people, Hastings and Randolph had to climb up the mountain of success and battle hardships, adversity, and failure. In the year 2000, Netflix was on track to report a loss of $50 million. During their company’s financial trouble, the founders wanted to set up a meeting for months with their brick-and-mortar competition, which at the time was Blockbuster.

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