Learning To Be Present In Your Relationship

bobby basran
16 Feb , 2022
One of the things that helped create more happiness and positive memories in my relationship was learning to be present.

When you have the consciousness, awareness and mindfulness to truly live in the present moment you experience what I call clarity. This is seeing your moment for what it truly is without having your thoughts influence and impact what you see in front of you.

I always give this example of going on a dinner date with your partner and you have two options.

The first one being you go on a dinner date and you are not present. Instead your mind is thinking about the fight that took place between you two 3 hours ago and then jumping to the future, dreading over the fact that you still have to pay the bills.

The second option is you show up to dinner, but this time you decide to consciously feel your breath. In doing so you ground yourself to the present moment. Once this breath grounds you to the present moment only then can you see that moment for what it truly is. You begin to realize how grateful you actually are to have the time and money to go on a dinner date with your partner, how beautiful your partner looks today and how happy you are to create such a beautiful moment. When your immerse yourself into the present moment you have more appreciation towards them, since you have the clarity to see the beauty within them.

There is a clear cut winner out of these two options. Option two is how we should be living our every day lives.

However, we as humans have built the habit of physically being in the moment but having our minds elsewhere.

To put an end to this habit you have to learn to consistently and consciously feel your breath throughout your day so your mind and body are in the same moment together.

When I learned to be present in my relationship my partner and I started having less fights and arguments and more love, happiness and positive memories. And the way I learned how to be present in my relationship was through two simple steps:

1. Have no distractions. One of the biggest things that we distract ourselves with is our phones. When you’re hanging out with your partner have the awareness and discipline not to go on your phone.

2. Anytime you’re with your partner build the habit of checking in with yourself simply by feeling your breath. Many of us check in more with phones then we do with ourselves. This prohibits us not to live in the present moment.

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