Why Some People Don't Live with Their Purpose

bobby basran
27 Apr , 2022

New blog post, ‘Why some people don’t live with their purpose,’ is now available! On this weeks blog Bobby discusses the reasoning behind why some people don’t live with their purpose and how people can push past those reasons and live a life where they follow their purpose. Click the link in my bio to continue reading.

Before I share my opinion on why I think many people don’t live with their purpose I first wanted to share what the word means to me. Purposed defined in my eyes means: doing something you love, doing something that excites you and makes you happy. Doing something that you cannot imagine your life without all while serving and impacting people by sharing your gift with the world. I believe everyone has their own variation of purpose, but there is a lot of people that don’t live with theirs. Why? Let’s find out.

If someone asked me the point blank question, “Why do you think some people don’t live their purpose?” I would have to say there are a handful of reasons that affect people from doing something they love as a living. People may feel embarrassed to try and not succeed allowing their others to view them as inadequate or in other words a failure. I believe people think it’s easier not to go after their purpose because at times it is uncertain and unstable. I believe people make poor life decisions caused by having no sense of awareness over their life that causes them to not live with their purpose. But all in all I think the main reason of why people don’t live with their purpose is because simply put life happens.

People get married, have kids and wrap themselves in a mortgage to house their loved ones. Now they have to do things not because they necessarily want too, but because they have too. They crave stability and comfort, because that will help them survive. To me, that’s one of the main reasons why people shy away from there dreams in the first place, because they need a consistent income to provide for their families and when you’re going after your purpose sometimes you don’t get that consistent income right away. Sometimes people just need that to survive and I understand and empathize that reasoning. That income shouldn’t be overlooked because it stability it’s providing for yourself, your partner and your kids, but in the process of life don’t forget your happiness should not be overlooked as well…

There thats quote by Henry David Thoreau where he says:

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.”

Sometimes we have to do desperate things, but I feel like we have to change that narrative and stop undermining our own happiness. You only have one life, make the most of it. Just think your job takes up 1/3 of your day the other 1/3 you spend sleeping. That means half of your waking hours are spent going to a job that does not make you happy meaning you are spending half of your waking life being miserable unhappy and 

Don’t do things because you have to do them because you want to and I know that is easier said that done. I Know sometimes if feels like life is not giving you any other options at the time, but you need to push through, because when something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favour. It took a miracle for you to be born don’t waste that miracle by allowing life to suck the life out of you. Follow your heart, serve and impact and do something that truly makes you at peace and happy.

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