Allow People to Live Their Own Life

bobby basran
06 Jul , 2022
Galileo once said “You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.”

We as human beings have such a strong desire to be right all the time and it’s not even the fact that we want to be right it’s the fact that we want to be right and prove other people wrong as well.

We want people to have the same values as us, we want people to act the same way we act, we want people to see life the same way we see life and when people don’t do this we force “our way” of life onto them. What I learned in the book “How to Win Friends And Influence People” Is that you cannot force your knowledge, opinions and values down other people’s oesophagus. The more you try doing this it will make the other person resent you and ultimately make them not listen to you.

Be open minded and allow people to live their lives on their own terms - good or bad, because most people are egotistical, which means they are excessively conceited or absorbed in themselves (self-centred). If this hypothesis is true that means that most people are not going to listen to your principles or way of live or let you convince them that their principles and way of life is wrong. The best thing you can do is understand Galileo’s conception of “you cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.”

Respect other peoples opinions by being open minded. Don’t tell them the wrong. Just walk through life doing your absolute best by living life based on what works for you. If people see through your actions that what you’re saying is beneficial, they will adapt. If not, do not stress or worry about it. People are allowed to be different, people are allowed to live life on their terms, people are allowed to make their mistakes and people are allowed to have their own opinions and values.

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