I’m Married To My Dreams

bobby basran
11 May , 2022

I’m inspired to write this piece, because I see people who have a beautiful purpose, who work vigorously trying to obtain it, but ultimately give up before they even cross the finish line.

The giving up part I understand and at the same time don’t understand. Let me explain. I understand the logical sense of quitting on your purpose. You can’t handle the uncertainty of if your purpose will ever turn into a reality. I understand that it may seem like you have given it your best shot, but now it’s time to be logical and stop going after that pipe dream. I understand that along your journey of turning your dreams into a reality other things may call your name - money, stability and real life.

I understand all of that.

But what I don’t understand, is how someone can live with that regret and unhappiness when they say goodbye to their dreams. I truly think people who turn a blind eye on their dreams don’t understand the severity of their decision. That’s when they fill the void of unhappiness and regret with external factors such as money and distractions.

Instead of going down that road of sorrow and emptiness, see past the mirage that you create in your own mind of how better your life would be without your purpose and stay married to your dreams.

I understand how difficult it can be to be committed to your purpose even when there is so much uncertainty that is surrounding it.

But you have to realize that the journey where all the uncertainty lies is the most beautiful part - that’s where you learn, grow, develop and fall in love with the process. And once you’re finally stepping into your dreams that’s when you are serving and impacting. That’s when you’re doing something you can’t imagine your life without. That’s when you’re doing something that you truly love and along the way you are inspiring others to do follow their heart as well.

I write, stay married to your dreams because to me that's the best analogy. When you're married to the person who you are deeply in love with, you are in a committed bond, you are loyal, you try your best at all times and you never give up. When you put it into your mind that you are married to your dreams, those same factors will help you turn your dreams into a reality.

When you go after your dreams it’s always going to be an uphill battle. There’s going to be so many moments of trials and tribulations. There’s going to be so many times where you face rejections and failures. There’s going to be so many times where giving up seems like the logical and easy answer. But in those moments when you face those hardships, remind yourself - I’m married to my dreams.

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