Easy & Comfortable Vs. Hard & Difficult

bobby basran
02 Nov , 2022
Naturally speaking our minds don’t want to do things that are difficult and challenging unless you have trained yourself over the years to do so. Naturally our minds crave comfort and easiness. Throughout life, as we continue to have these cravings we fall victim to our impulses and by doing so many of us spend our entire existence not growing mentally, physically or spiritually. We tend to choose comfort over growth. In my opinion you can’t always just do what’s easy and comfortable, because if you always do what’s comfortable and easy you will take shortcuts, quit when adversity presses on you and never do anything that is challenging or difficult.

Just sit there and imagine your life in all aspects: health, wealth, love and happiness and envision yourself only doing what was easy and comfortable. When it comes to your health you would not workout or follow a diet, since it’s easier to watch Netflix all day and eat comfort food. You would not wake up early, because it’s more comfortable to sleep in. When it comes to your wealth (Purpose) you would not follow your heart by taking the risk of following your dreams, because its easier to follow the path of least resistance than it is to go down the road of adversity, failure, sacrifice and commitment. When it comes to any committed relationship you have to be willing to compromise, work hard and stay faithful, but in life if you only did what was comfortable and easy you would stop putting forth an effort and fall prey to infidelity. When it comes to your happiness you would not sit in solitude, deal with your level of thinking and get to know who you are as a human being, because it’s so much easier to keep yourself distracted.

To develop this grit and character of being mentally strong, it starts with your daily habits. The way you do anything in life is based off a habit. Therefore build the habit every single day to do things that push you past your comfort zone, that has resistance, that makes you stretch and grow physically and mentally. Take a cold shower, do one extra rep, get up early, follow a diet, workout, challenge yourself. And as you keep doing these daily habits of choosing growth over comfort you will build the skin of never shying away from adversity, you will develop self discipline and mental toughness. To me, mental toughness means doing the exact opposite of what your mind craves and challenging yourself daily by doing hard and difficult tasks.

Life is not meant to be lived where you only do what’s comfortable and easy. In life you have to be comfortable doing uncomfortable things. You have to challenge yourself, you have to build the habit of doing what’s difficult, because nothing worth having comes from doing what’s easy.

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