Live Life With No Regrets

bobby basran
05 Jan , 2022

Not everyone gets a chance to play this game of life and those who do sometimes allow life to simply pass them by. They run through the motions, they are timid, scared, fearful and don’t value the essence of time. These are the people who look back on their life and don’t see happiness, because regret will always outweigh happiness.  

Don’t look back on life and think I wish I had done more. I wish I took care of my body. I wish I created better relationships with the people that I loved. I wish I followed my heart and not the masses. I wish I took advantages of the opportunities I had. I wish I travelled more. I wish I was more.  

Life can change in a blink of an eye and it will pass you by if you allow it to. Time is never on our side, because we are always going against it. Breathe, focus, regroup and remind yourself that we each get one life, one nonrefundable limited life. Once your clock hits zero there will never be another you again. Don’t let that scare you, let it motivate you. Get something out of life, you’re already here, you might as well make the most of it. Squeeze as much as you can out of life. Become the absolute best version of yourself in every aspect (Health, wealth, love and happiness). Live up to your potential, take risks, be bold, serve people, impact people, do something that you love, live with passion and most importantly be happy.  

Everyday remind yourself that I am either going to allow life to pass me by or I am going to make something out of myself. You are either going to live with regret or demand more and be more. Always chose be more. 

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