Believe In Yourself

bobby basran
19 Jan , 2022

The number one trait you need when you are trying to accomplish anything in life is belief. You need to believe in yourself wholeheartedly because let’s be honest here, when you are going after something that is worth having, it is never going to be easy. If it were easy everybody would have great physical and mental health. Everybody would have an amazing relationship with themselves and their partner. Everybody would accomplish their dreams. Everybody would be truly happy. Everybody would be successful, but as we all know that is not the case.

James Clear said it the best,

"The biggest difference I've noticed between successful people and unsuccessful people isn't intelligence or opportunity or resources. It's the belief that they can make their goals happen."

Working hard and consistently is a must. Never giving up is also very important, but what triumphs over both of those qualities is belief, because if you don’t believe in yourself you won’t even get started.

That trust, faith and reassurance in yourself and your abilities is vital when you are striving towards your dreams.

When you go after something that is labeled as “out there” by the masses those people will start bringing you down to their level.

They will think you’re crazy, naive and foolish.

And at times you might think they are right, because what you are trying to accomplish might seem far fetched, it might seem unrealistic and impossible. But those are all the reasons why you need to believe in yourself - to combat those fearful and insecure thoughts.

But always remember it is the “crazy” ones who change and impact the world.

Whether you dream of having an amazing marriage, being successful, getting that dream house, having that dream job, taking care of your loved ones, having great physical and mental health or doing something you love as a living please understand one thing - It’s your dream. Don’t expect other people to have the same amount of belief in you and your dreams because at the end of the day they aren’t their dreams, they’re yours.

Times will get tough, you will run into a wall.

The other side will tempt you, it always will.

You will feel insecure, fearful and unmotivated at times, but during those times you have to inject that belief into your system. Because that trust and faith over your mission will propel you to not give up, work hard and keep pushing.

Life is hard, life will test, life will knock you down with no remorse whatsoever. It your job to get back up and the only way you will get back up if you believe in yourself.

Kanye West once said, “Would you believe in what you believe in if you were the only one who believed it?”

Ask yourself that question, because at one point in your journey you might be the only one that believes in yourself and that’s okay.

You have to believe in yourself. You cannot expect other people to believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself.

You need to be your biggest fan.

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