Drink Water

bobby basran
22 Dec , 2021

60% of our bodies are made out of water. Just by reading that stat it is safe to assume that drinking water is extremely important for any human being. Throughout the day the average person loses water through sweat and exercise, to replenish our bodies back with the adequate amount of water we need to be consuming adequate levels of water. “Water consumption can vary based on age, weight, sex, activity level, and the climate you live in. However, according to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the average recommended daily intake of water from both food and drink is:

  • For men: Around 3.7 liters or 125 ounces
  • For women: Around 2.7 liters or 91 ounces

This is the required amount of water humans should be drinking every day. However, people either lack self-awareness, are lazy or they don’t value their bodies enough to drink the required amount of water. People need to realize that not drinking water has a lot of negative side effects.

One of those side effects is dehydration. Dehydration is a harmful reduction in  the amount of water in the body. When you're dehydrated you lose concentration levels and with that you become an antagonist against your mood. “Dehydration is known to contribute to stress. Fatigue, anger, negative mood, and cognitive problems all increase when you're dehydrated.” One of the most common symptoms of dehydration is headaches. “Water is important for brain function. In addition to increasing brain power, drinking water also helps prevent and relieve headaches often caused by dehydration.” So many people get out of bed and the first thing they do is pop 2 Advil’s down their throat to cure a natural occurring problem: a headache. People need to become more conscious of putting chemicals into their body instead of a natural solution that has zero side effects, water. I had the same problem. Every time I went traveling, I used to get the biggest headaches. After this happened 4-5 times I was getting extremely frustrated and wanted to stop traveling all together. It was not until I did my own research that I realized I was not drinking enough water and that is what was causing my problems. How did I solve my problem? Simple – I drank enough water until I was hydrated.

 You will know when you're hydrated when you rarely feel thirsty, and your urine should be almost colorless. When you're hydrated that’s when you can move away from dehydration and soak in the benefits of water. “One of water’s many benefits is an increase in brain power. Since your brain is made up of 73% of water, drinking it helps you think, focus, concentrate, and stay alert. As a result, your energy levels also improve.” 

Water is also so important for your digestion system since water helps flush out all the toxins from your body. “Water and fiber work together to keep you regular and avoid constipation. Water dilutes waste and helps eliminate toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.”

Water and your skin also go hand in hand with each other. “Drinking adequate water helps plump up skin cells, which minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, so you look younger. Water also supports detoxification and helps flush toxins and impurities out of the body that dull your complexion. Stay well hydrated to support good circulation and blood flow, all of which will help your skin glow.”

It is no question that water has endless benefits, the question however is are people using a simple thing such as drinking water to soak in all those benefits and avoid health issues. A study carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2013 analyzed data from the National Cancer Institute's 2007 Food Attitudes and Behaviors Survey.

Out of a sample of 3,397 adults, the researchers found:

  • 7 percent of adults reported no daily consumption of drinking water
  • 36 percent of adults reported drinking 1-3 cups of drinking water a day
  • 35 percent of adults reported drinking 4-7 cups of drinking water a day
  • 22 percent of adults reported drinking 8 cups or more a day

One of the best things I did for my body and mind was to drink the required amount of water my body needs. No headaches, great bowel movements, clearer skin and better mood. Don’t underestimate how important and vital it is to drink water.

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